
I, for one, welcome our new Robot Overlords.

That red glowing thing in Cheryl's had allows her to control Tennille. Unfortunately it only has one button that switches her from "sleep" to "eat" then back to "sleep." It was a very expensive set up that Jo said wouldn't be worth the money.

She was wrong.

Our trip to Cincinnati today was canceled due to Josh's ailment. We would wish him all the best if I weren't convinced that he did it on purpose because he didn't want us to come visit him. Jerk.

Yesterday was my first day skipping a picture of the day since I started it back up. Hopefully this won't be a slippery slope that leads me to another few months of no pictures.

On another note, I'm trying to find scooter storage solutions and would like any suggestion that anyone can think of. As most of you know, we have no back yard but we do have a large parking spot that I could probably fit a small shed in. I don't want to use a garden shed because that would be ugly as hell.I don't know if there is a company that makes sheds that are shorter than most so that a scooter will just barely fit in there.

If Jo would let me, I would just park it inside the front door but I'm sure that would never happen :D

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