
Bury them up to the neck & break out the lawnmower!!

"james, some drunkard ruffian is hitting on your wife!"

For being so full of facts you sure are a moron, Internet.

This is our dear friend Adam and he is telling Jo how his band got screwed out of playing their show at Flannigans on time today. There was some private party in the space they were going to play so they got bumped. Sucks ass for them, but what are you going to do?

"Drag the 'private party' people outside and beat them with tire irons, or gut them and jump rope with their intestines?"

I like your thinking, Internet!!

"Roll their bodies in a carpet and set them on fire!!"

Now you're talking!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I remember this Adam guy. He was always really nice. I think I first met him at this guy Tom Logsdan's house yeeears ago. He had long blonde hair back then and was dating some kid named Chris??? We were all there on New Year's. Good times :)

